Friday, April 24, 2009

Our front porch

Greg and his dad worked on the front porch ceiling the past few days. It is absolutely beautiful. The yellow pine is way too pretty to even paint. Can't wait to do some porch sitting when we are all through.

In other news, the mosquitoes have arrived . Time to move this party to the back screened-in porch.

Sunday, April 19, 2009

Interior trim and other important stuff

We are in the final stretch now. Lots of painting and detail work. Greg is home for a while now, so lots of action over here on Van Dyke.

Jay Brown, the best painter (and friend) ever, schooling G.
G put together the head pieces for the doorways upstairs. Unfortunately, I still have to paint them.
hmmm...better than Jim Rome?
door jambs ready to put in
our shower Evan and Krista on the front porch!