Here are a few photos I did take this summer around the house. We planted a front yard garden and the watermelons have gone crazy. Luckily, the chickens LOVE them too.
The nursery...
The finished doors...
The lovely ladies...
Lulu loves to get on the hammock with G
Still no eggs, but we expect them any day now.
So, there really isn't a whole lot of house stuff left to do around here now. Sure, we need some furniture- and Greg is really looking forward to building that this fall. I found this bedroom set I really love, so Greg is going to try to replicate it for us. We are also going to try to plant grass and landscape out back. Our poor backyard is such a dustbowl. This has been one hot North Carolina summer and I am looking forward to it coming to an end.
And a final shot of the guys playing locally the day the record was released...